Blå øvelse 2
- beautifully
- well
- good
- stupid/intelligent
- good
- wise/unwise
- really/well
- real/really
- terribly
- well
Rød øvelse 3
- He looked at me in a friendly way, and asked if I were married.
- It was a lovely concert: especially the soprano sang beautifully.
- Maybe he is not silly but he always behaves in a silly way.
- Where have you been? You look tired.
- He is getting old.
- He is very careful when he draws.
- He looked very carefully at the pictures but did not recognize the man.
- The chef tasted very carefully to the soup to find out if it tasted well.
Grøn øvelse 5
- biord
- tillægsord
- tillægsord/biord
- biord/tillægsord
- biord/tillægsord
- biord/tillægsord
- tillægsord/biord
- tillægsord/biord