Engelsk War of the words

Engelsk tekst fra bogen "World in motion", om en mand der synes at internettet skulle have en standardiseret katagorisereing og at det ikke virker optimalt som det gør i dag, pga. af SPAM ect. (Tekst fra 2004-2006).


  1. Kevins background
  2. Views towards the internet
  3. Large steps backwards
  4. Choking on spam
  5. Spam statistics
  6. The price of spam
  7. Death of the email
  8. Offcial indexing
  9. Domain enforcements
  10. Content separation
  11. Reliability of googling
  12. Google statistics
  13. Unintented use of the internet
  14. Celebrities tops the statistics
  15. Worldtraker.com
  16. Fun for free
  17. Trusting the internet
  18. Know you audience
  19. Not serving the full potensial
  20. Bad habits
  21. Ability to communicate effectively?
  22. The usefull finger
  23. Effective communication
  24. Don't bury the communication


The good goal behind the internet
To provide a communication highway for the masses, to make unimagineable amounts of information available.
Problems of the internet
  • Spam
  • No official internet indexing
  • Everyone can write
  • The architecture assumes that nobody is a badguy
The abuse of the internet
The architecture assumes that everybody is nice. We communicate in a sensible maner on the internet, this means that your aware of who your communicating with.
Why does the internet stop us from communicating effectively
The internet does not prevent us from communicating effectively, the people who abuses it does.