Frodo and Sam
- Born
- 22 Septemper, 2968 The third age.
- Quest
- To destroy the ring and resist the temptation.
- Parents
- Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck
- Resident
- Lives in "Bag end".
In 2980, Frodo lost both his parents in a boating accident. Then aged twelve, he was taken in by his mother's family, the Brandybucks. In 2989, Frodo came under the guardianship of Bilbo Baggins,
- Sam is Frodo's best friend
- Fallohides (one of the 3 hobbit races).
- Born
- The third age 2980.
- Likes food
- Is a gardener.
- Has five siblings
- Likes elves
- Is good at poetry