The tea party that triggered a revolution
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Reading comprehension
Answers to the questions...
Why were the British ships attacked?
Because they were carrying English tea, which were taxed; by the British government.
Why was America called "the promised land"?
Because it gave people a new start, and the name made it easy to find colonists.
Why should Americans pay taxes to the British men
Because Brittan had fought a war against the Francemen, which the Americans should pay for.
What is a "Minuteman"?
A man who's ready to fight in a minute.
Why is Paul Revere a national hero?
He was a spy, and warned the sleeping rebels, at the first battle against England.
Why did the French help American rebels?
Because they wanted revenge, from the last war between Brittan and France.
- 1765 - stamp act (taxes on everything)
- 1770 - After 5 year of boycot on english products, the British withdraw all taxes except for tea (the colonist throw all tea into the harbor).
- 1774 - The first Continental Congress.
- 1775 - The fist battel between British and Americans.
- 1776 - All states of America signs the "Declaration of independence".
- 1778 - The frenchmen joined the American side.
- 1781 - The British surrendered (4 July).
- 1789 - General Washington was elected as the first president of USA.